Jerrod Begora is the author of ''The Angel Hunter''
book off of Goodreads and Jerrod sent it to me.
1.What inspired you to write?
Life. I know this seems like a lame answer, but it’s true. I have always wrote: journals, poetry, short stories, books. It’s just something that I do and can’t stop. I am constantly viewing the world around me and structure my understanding using this art form. The need to write as art form came far before a decision to publish a book
2.Did anyone help you with your debut novel,''The Angel Hunter''?
Yes, of course. Just because I like to write, doesn’t mean that I have talent. Cathy Johnson, the person I thank in the book, helped me get my story into a real book. We went through 4 edits together. Without her, this book would have been unreadable. I have learned a lot of new skills after working with her, but will always need an involved editor.
I also have to give some props to Self-publishing is scary. You never know if you are being ripped off by the company helping you. Iuniverse’s goal is to publish anyone who wants to be published while at the same time giving them honest feedback. These things are often in conflict with each other. In the end, they really helped me get this to market so people like you can find it and read it.
3.How did you come up with the title and idea for the cover?
I really wanted the pic on my website, I found a guy online that built custom angel statues and took pictures of them. When I tried to contact him to use his pic professionally, his website was gone. I have not been able to find him. Iuniverse helped me find a legal picture of an angel statue in a cemetery from their stock photos. The picture was taken at dusk through trees. The other effects were done by their book cover department.
The color actual has some significance. In artwork where angels are depicted, the color of a sky lets the view now if the scene is on earth or heaven. Earth is blue. Heaven is gold. The second part of the series will have a red cover for: The Demon Hunter
4.What was your main idea, going into writing a novel? Was it to reach teens or children or adults?
Religion was my main idea. I originally envisioned a religious fiction. Unfortunately, I had two practical problems. 1) My use of angel automatically classifies my fiction as supernaturally regardless of the angel’s disposition. 2) My writing skills tend towards action and conversation, not long winded religious philosophy I converted my original idea to an action/thriller. Although it was for practical reasons and required a long editing process, I am very happy with the results. In fact, the second part of the series will take these components even farther.
5.Will ''The Angel Hunter'' be a series?
Yes, the second book is called the Demon Hunter. However, readers will have to wait. I will be publishing another book next year, a dark comedy. All I can say is that the writing be conversation focused, have a strong Down Syndrome girl as a main character, and be awesome.
6.What do you predict for your future as being a writer?
Yes, the second book is called the Demon Hunter. However, readers will have to wait. I will be publishing another book next year, a dark comedy. All I can say is that the writing be conversation focused, have a strong Down Syndrome girl as a main character, and be awesome.
6.What do you predict for your future as being a writer?
The Angel Hunter is not going away. I can promise you. If I end up failing as an author, fine. I will not fail at The Angel Hunter. I will finish it. Lucile's story is not finished, and I will finish it at all costs.
7.Are you excited about being a writer and releasing your first book?
It’s weird. Excited is definitely the wrong word. I feel like I took my first step in the right direction. I feel happy that I was able to accomplish this because there is so much more I want to do in this art form. I am more excited about the future than the recent release.
Extra Info: If you can’t wait for the Demon Hunter, you can get a continuing story at It’s starts as a prequel to The Angel Hunter. It follows Andrew’s journal before, during, and after the first book
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